IN 138 N.I. act-legal notice issued to the accused to the last known address-Burden on accused-

In the High court of karnataka at Bengaluru dated: 7-12- 2023 Before the Hon’ble Mr Justice Rajendra Badamikar

Criminal appeal no. 1298 of 2019 c/w criminal appeal no. 1414 of 2021

criminal appeal no. 1415 of 2021 in 1298 of 2019


SRI. G. JAYADEVAPPA                                                   …APPELLANT


SRI. SHANKAR MURTHY H. C,                                  … …RESPONDENT

The 313 Cr.P.C. statement of the accused is also silent. Even the legal notice issued to the accused was not served, but it was issued to the last known address and it is returned as not claimed. In that event, the burden shifts on accused to give explanation as to non reply of notice